г. Ессентуки ул. Интернациональная, 39
ГАУЗ СК "Ессентукская ГСП" зарекомендовала себя на рынке медицинских услуг как клиника с качественным обслуживанием и внимательным отношением к пациенту. Врачи учреждения владеют большим практическим опытом и внушительными теоретическими знаниями, регулярно проходят курсы повышения квалификации и посещаю различные обучающие семинары.
В стоматологии проводятся обследование, диагностика и лечение по следующим направлениям:
"Yessentukskaya GSP" has established itself in the market of medical services as a clinic with quality service and attentive attitude to the patient. The doctors of the institution have extensive practical experience and impressive theoretical knowledge, regularly take advanced training courses and attend various training seminars.
In dentistry, tests, diagnostics and treatment are carried out in the following areas:
diagnostic measures - X-ray diagnostics on the device with the lowest doses of radiation, diagnosis of initial caries, identification of pretumor processes and early stages of tumors of the oral cavity
surgical dentistry - anesthesia, removal of teeth, surgery to remove cysts of various etiologies, epulis, open and closed curettage, vestibuloplasty, gingvoplasty, plastic surgery of the bridles of the tongue and lips, directional bone tissue regeneration and bone plastics
therapeutic dentistry - anesthesia, professional oral hygiene, treatment of caries and its complications,artistic restoration of teeth, complex treatment of periodontal diseases (application of plasma-lifting technique), modern splinting techniques
Pediatric dentistry - anesthesia, prevention of diseases of hard tissues of teeth, sealing of fissures, treatment of caries and its complications
orthodontics - diagnosis, prevention and treatment of dental anomalies removable and fixed orthodontic appliances
orthopedic dentistry - restoration of teeth and dental rows of rows with removable and non-removable prostheses: one-piece byugelny, metal-ceramic constructions.
physiotherapy - physical methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the dental system, electrophoresis, depophoresis, ultrasound therapy, darsonvalization